sábado, 22 de octubre de 2011

The lost of loved relatives

Goodbye powerless letter

Feels sometimes like drawing on a pain that is not heard or gets any compassion. It is a pain that seems would last a lifetime.  I dont know how to be able to handle this straight to the heart. I write with the hope that when we can meet again  I can talk to you about all those writtings you inspired me to do.

There is nothing to regreat,  there is no room for that in this short life. You put me in a hard situation where I have to travel one million light year away from what I have called "home". Meanwhile, I leave my thoughts written here with my heart on my hand. I want to believe you know about this, but my mind plays tricks on me, so the percentage that you know what I´m doing is reduced to nothing.

I can hear the music playing outside, I tried to go out and enjoy this neighborhood traditional party. I don't feel like going out on this gray afternoon without your colorful smile.

I prefer my loneliness right now and spend my time writting you this. Its hard to talk to family and friends and deal with everybody sad faces expression. 

I hear a song, I see the fireworks I look at the smile of couples, families and you are there. All those things, my customs, environments, seems that you took all that  and left me on an unbreathable place. I can't feel the happiness of this festival, I feel like I still need to cry until I get absolutely dry and after that take a nap and come back to reality. Is the sequence of the last 2 days.
I want my peace back, the tranquility of our conversations, the surprising tickles that would make me feel alive more than ever right now. Yes, I think I´m safe under my own skin, but you used to improved that feeling.  
I want to feel that again and I still can hear your voice, to bury the bad memories of the bad moments and  start to build a new beginning. But I´m probably wrong, this is a fake hope, is a turning point in my life

martes, 18 de octubre de 2011


El diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española lo define como: Sentimiento que nos obliga a estimar el beneficio o favor que se nos ha hecho o ha querido hacer, y a corresponder a él de alguna manera.

 Is not enough just to say "thank you" is necessary to repay with generosity to those who have been there unconditionally. And I don´t refer "generosity" with something material, an action is hoard in heart when is honestly done without asking for it.  And for myself, appreciating things is based also on good manners and education.
There is people that always had everything in their life, such as properties, economic solvence, lovers, family, HEALTH and plenty of things that could be enlisted.  It´s important to be humble to say "thank you" and give the person the place of respect that deserves.

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Cuenta regresiva.

Regresando y un día más sin respuesta. Pasan las horas muy rápido, pero  la oportunidad de encontrar la ruta sigue visible. No se vale rendirse ni perder la fe. Empezar de cero a cualquier altura, sin pensar en el pasado y revitalizando el presente que es el continuo futuro. Evaluando, ¿cuánto importó el pasado?.
El presente se vive, el pasado no muchos lo recuerdan, muchos lo entierran.

Cultivar en el presente amor, trabajo y salud, para cosechar sus bondandes. No es tarde para reconstruir, las veces que sean necesarias hasta que llegue la satisfacción. Ir al fondo pero no perder de vista la superficie.

Hay quienes prefieren destruir en su camino para ser los más fuertes. Nadie lo entiende hasta que se pasa por el mismo camino, tarde o temprano. Hay quienes pasaron por él pero lo olvidaron, hay quienes se hacen fuertes a costa del dolor de alguien más.

Nadie lo entiende hasta que lo vive. No muchos entienden el dicho: "no hagas lo que no quieres que hagan contigo" Nadie se apiada de nadie hasta que pasan por el mismo camino.